No Bullsh!t Legal Marketing Podcast
I wanted to create a podcast for those that don't have the time to sit in front of the screen and watch a video on 'how to post on LinkedIn' or 'What should my law firm be writing about?"We are all busy and we need just a few minutes to help us with tips or guidance. My podcasts are designed to do just that, for when you are walking the dog or grabbing a coffee on the way to work.I want you to take away key insights on how to market yourself as a lawyer and your law firm. These will not be 3 hours long, but bite-sized podcasts to help you in your legal career. There might even be some humour and guests from the legal profession popping up from time to time. Enjoy
No Bullsh!t Legal Marketing Podcast
6 Sins of Social Media
Staxton Digital - Digital Marketing for the Legal Profession
Season 1
Episode 2
In the last few weeks, we have seen several social media posts where people have said ‘you shouldn’t post this or ‘This is not appropriate content to share.
Social media can be a bit of a minefield to navigate, with some much content out there it can be easy to simply chuck anything up and wish for the best. I want to make it easy for people in the legal sector to share their content without the fear of upsetting someone.
Listen to my 6 sins to help keep your social media content on the straight and narrow. Of course, you can go outside these areas but remember the golden rule of social media. Once it is out there, there is no taking it back!